Grid Resilience Formula Grant Program – IIJA 40101(d)

Preliminary Selections for Sub-Awards under the 40101(d) Formula Grant Program Announced

The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) would like to express its sincere gratitude to all applicants who submitted applications for sub-awards under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act's Section 40101(d) Formula Grant Program. As of the February 16, 2024, application deadline, AEA received seven applications for an aggregate sub-award request of $48.1 million, over the $21 million available for award under the Request for Application (RFA). Upon receipt of the seven applications, AEA initiated its review and evaluation of those seven applications submitted. All applications were reviewed and evaluated according to the RFA criteria, as noted below.

  • Population Impacted
  • Risk Reduction / Resilience Effectiveness
  • Extreme Weather, Wildfire, or Natural Disaster Event Adaptation
  • Data Sources
  • Implementation Measures
  • Community Engagement
  • Leveraging Partnerships

Following a thorough review and evaluation of the applications submitted, AEA has preliminary selected three of the seven applications for sub-award. Below are preliminary sub-award selections submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for review and approval.

AEA Preliminary Sub-Award Selections for Section 40101(d) Formula Grant Program
Applicant Name Project Name Sub-Award

Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc.
(on behalf of the Alaska Intertie Management Committee)

Alaska Intertie Snow Load Resiliency $10,319,167

Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc.
(on behalf of the Alaska Intertie Management Committee)

Alaska Railbelt Synchrophasor and Disturbance Reporting System $1,650,917
Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc Interior Alaska Power Line Resiliency $8,932,137
Total   $20,902,221

For those applicants not selected for a sub-award in this round, AEA plans to issue another RFA for Section 40101(d) funding in summer 2024, with an estimated $16.9 million available for sub-awards. Please visit this website for more information.

Grid Resilience Formula Grant Program Overview

The Grid Resilience Formula Grant Program, funded through Section 40101(d) Formula Grants to States & Indian Tribes of the IIJA, is administered, at the state level, through AEA, as designated by Governor Mike Dunleavy. This national program provides $2.5 billion in formula grants to States and Indian Tribes to improve electric grid infrastructure resilience against disruptive events. AEA’s administration of the Program is exclusive to those Federal allocations to the State of Alaska over the Program’s five-year funding period; Alaska’s Tribal entities have been allocated their funding directly under the program. The State of Alaska has been awarded $22.1 million in formula grant funds, for the first two federal fiscal years of funding. The third allocation was recently made, amounting to $17.6 million. Alaska is estimated to receive approximately $60 million over the five-year program period.

All information related to AEA’s RFA is posted below. Please consult the current RFA and provide supplemental documentation for all details and information relating to the Program.

Please be advised that all amendments/changes to the RFA and/or associated forms will be posted on this website.

AEA and/or DOE may contact applicants who submit a full application during the evaluation and review process with additional questions and/or clarification matters.

Application Materials

Supplemental Materials


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