Adam Crum
Commissioner, Alaska Department of Revenue

Born and raised in Alaska, Adam Crum has significant public and private sector experience in strategic management, organizational development, executive consulting and large-scale projects. His ability to manage, establish and lead effective teams was highlighted throughout his public service to the State of Alaska as he led the Alaska Department of Health for four years, including through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prior to his 2018 appointment as Commissioner for DHSS, Mr. Crum served as Executive Vice President of his family’s company, Northern Industrial Training. Active in numerous community service organizations, Trustee Crum has also served as a board member for groups, including the Salvation Army and MyHouse, a group that works specifically with homeless youth.

Trustee Crum holds the seat on the AIDEA Board designated for the Commissioner of Revenue, having been appointed in November 2022 by Governor Dunleavy. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Northwestern University and a Master of Science in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University.
