Chignik Lagoon Power Utility is constructing a 167 kW hydroelectric project on Packers Creek to serve the community of Chignik Lagoon. This high head, run-of-river system will include 3,260 feet of penstock and a 9 ft. diversion structure, utilizing a design flow of 8.5 cfs. The project will be connected to the community via a new 0.3-mile transmission line. The project is estimated to produce 94% of Chignik Lagoon's existing electrical demand and displace over 43,000 gallons of diesel fuel annually.

Construction for this project is currently underway and is expected to be completed summer 2015.

Bridge across Packers Creek, near the site of the new powerhouse, Chignik Lagoon (photo courtesy of Chignik Lagoon Village Council).